The Montogmery County Board of Appeals will hold a public hearing in the Stella B….
Author: maury

Emmit, July Pet of the Month
Emit, aka Mr. Personality, is a 12 y.o. miniature poodle who loves being around people…
NCC Connections/July Events and Updates
NCC CONNECTIONS: July Events and Updates There is no General Meeting this month. VOLUNTEER NEWS…
Summer Newsletter from Friends of Chevy Chase Library
Summer is here and the library is cool! Lots of great activities going on with…
Bulk Trash Pickup Reminder for June 17
This is a reminder that the next Village Bulk Trash Pickup is scheduled for Saturday,…
Further WSSC Meetings on Different Rate Structures
WSSC has announced some additional informational meetings regarding the subject of different rate structures that…

Miss Abby June Pet of The Month
Miss Abby is just 7 months old and is filled with boundless puppy energy. You…
Information About Community Solar Presentation To Be Made at Next Council Meeting
The following is some information regarding a presentation that will be made at the next Village…
Latest Developments Regarding the Proposed Purple Line
As reported earlier today by the Washington Post, Federal Judge Richard Leon today issued a…
Upcoming Events in June at Chevy Chase Library on Connecticut Avenue
Upcoming Events at Chevy Chase Library 8005 Connecticut Ave, Chevy Chase, MD 20815 On Thursday,…