Welcome to the Village of North Chevy Chase!
We look forward to getting to know you and your family. We encourage all new residents to take advantage of the following communication tools available to you — we want to make certain you receive information about the comings and goings of the Village.
Village Directory and Members-Only Access
The Village publishes a Resident Directory, available online, for “Members Only”.
The Village Manager will review all online access accounts and will formally activate residents’ accounts. We take your privacy seriously and have done everything possible to bring this useful content to you in a secure manner.

Village E-mailings
The Village uses Constant Contact for important news announcements to Village residents from the Council and Village Manager. You also receive the monthly Village Council meeting agenda and minutes via email rather than traditional mailings. To register, please contact the Village Manager at [email protected] or call 301.654.7084
You can also sign up here: Subscribe to Updates
Events Calendar
We recommend that you review our Events Calendar, which will give you a good overview of what is happening in the Village in the near future. The website also contains information about the services, government and many other aspects of the Village. Please take a moment to look around.
Board of Elections
The Board of Elections provides the Village of North Chevy Chase with a list of registered and qualified voters prior the Village’s annual election in May. Please report your change of address to the Montgomery County Board of Elections as soon as possible. For more information on changing your voter registration, please visit Montgomery County Elections. www.montgomerycountymd.gov/elections/index2.html