RESIDENTS – Per the agenda for the March 17 Village Council meeting, the Village Council provisionally approved updates to the Village’s Code of Ordinances (formerly known as Rules & Regulations) as well as an updated Permit Application, including new permit fees. Per the Village’s Charter – Article VI, Section 6.03 Village Ordinances:
(a)The Village Council shall provide not less than fourteen days’ prior Written Notice of a Village Council meeting scheduled for final consideration of any proposed Village ordinance. The public shall be provided an opportunity to express its views concerning any proposed ordinance at a public hearing to be held at the Village Council meeting scheduled for a vote on any proposed ordinance prior to the actual vote thereon.
(b) All ordinances shall become effective thirty (30) days following adoption by the Village Council, unless otherwise expressly provided by the Village Council upon such adoption.
The Village Council plans final consideration of the revised Code of Ordinances and Permit Application at the April 21 Council meeting. In order to provide residents with maximum time to review the material, a pdf version of the two documents is included here as well as on the Village website. Changes to the text of the ordinances have been highlighted in yellow (formatting changes are not shown in tracked changes) and a summary of the key updates is presented on the first page of the Code of Ordinances document.
Residents are requested to provide any written feedback/comments by Wednesday, April 15. Thank you.
The current Village Rules & Regulations are on the Village website and can be found at