BULK TRASH PICKUP: Bulk trash pick up will be Saturday, September 15. Items must be at curbside by 7 AM. Our contractor uses different trucks to haul different items, so do not be alarmed if certain items are removed before others. Please contact You Call We Haul, Inc. at 301-605-0140 if you wish to dispose of a refrigerator, freezer or air conditioner.
Bulk trash includes: Washing machines, dryers, stoves, hot water heaters, other major appliances, furniture or parts of furniture, large toys, bicycles,
wing sets, bath tubs, sinks, toilets, do-it-
yourself amounts of earth, sand, gravel, demolition debris and construction waste, parts of automobiles, but not fleet tires.
Excluded are: Large tree stumps, poisons, acids, caustics, explosives, oil or other flammable liquids, motor vehicles and parts such as batteries and tires, bricks and general construction material, iron pipe over 10 ft. long, large rocks, wood piles, large tree limbs, dead animals, human or animal feces and ammunition.